Solar Powered Groundwater Development Project (SDGP)
Powered Groundwater Development Project (SDGP) is a 5-year project that will be implemented in all 193 constituencies across Malawi. The project is being funded by the Malawi Government. The main objective of the project is to systematically pilot the new technology (Solar Pedalflo water supply system) to provide water to the communities. The project is expected to benefit about 115,800 people.
In the 2022/23 FY, the project plans to develop and install 15 units in 15 sites namely; NkhataBay North; Mzimba Solora; Mzimba North East; Mzimba Central; Nkhotakota North East; Mangochi Masongola; Nsanje South; Nsanje North; Salima South East; Dowa West; Lilongwe North East; Dedza East; Dedza North; Chikwawa South (Refer to annex 4 for the specific sites).
During the month under review, the department conducted Geophysical surveys and Hydrogeological assessments for 15 out of 16 Sites in 11 districts (Kasungu, Mzimba, Nkhatabay, Nkhotakota, Salima, Dowa, Lilongwe, Dedza, Mangochi, Chikwawa, and Nsanje). Table 1 summarizes the finding from the Hydrological assessments for the 15 sites.
NO. |
Name of Site as provided and visited |
District |
Comments. |
1. |
Simulemba Health Centre in GVH Simulemba, TA Simulemba, Kasungu North-North East Constituency. |
Kasungu |
Site good hydrogeologically |
2. |
Chisemphere Village in GVH Chisemphere, TA Chisemphere, Kasungu North Constituency. |
Kasungu |
Site good hydrogeologically |
3. |
Kalowa Primary School in GVH Simeon Mvula, TA Mbelwa, Mzimba Solola Constituency. |
Mzimba |
Site good hydrogeologically |
4. |
Matete Village in GVH Malapa, TA Timbiri, Nkhata Bay North-West Constituency. |
Nkhata Bay |
Site good hydrogeologically |
5. |
Katapila Village in GVH Katapila, TA Kanyenda, Nkhota Kota North East Constituency. |
Nkhota Kota |
Site good hydrogeologically |
6. |
Nambuma Health Centre in GVH Chimbalo, TA Kayembe, Dowa West Constituency, |
Dowa |
Site good hydrogeologically |
7. |
Mayani Market in GVH Kangunda, TA Tambala, Dedza North Constituency. |
Dedza |
Site good hydrogeologically |
8. |
Kapiri Trading Centre in GVH Dzindebvu, TA Kachindamoto, Dedza East Constituency. |
Dedza |
Site good hydrogeologically |
9. |
Kwiputi Trading Centre in GVH Kwiputi, TA Jalasi, Mangochi Masongola Constituency. |
Mangochi |
Site good hydrogeologically |
10. |
Ngolomi II Village in GVH Ngolomi, STA Kambwiri, Salima South East Constituency. |
Salima |
Site good hydrogeologically |
11. |
Konzere Village in GVH Konzere, TA Masache, Chikwawa South Constituency. |
Chikwawa |
Site good hydrogeologically |
12. |
Alindamawo Village in GVH Mtayamanja. TA Masache, Chikwawa South Constituency. |
Chikwawa |
Site good hydrogeologically |
13. |
Lurwe Primary School in GVH Siyankhuni, TA Ndamera, Nsanje South Constituency. |
Nsanje |
Site has accessibility issues but Site good hydrogeologically |
14. |
Nsamboni Village in GVH Gatooma, TA Mlolo, Nsanje North Constituency. |
Nsanje |
Site has accessibility issues but Site good hydrogeologically |
15. |
Takumana Trading Centre in GVH Gomani, TA Masula, Lilongwe Msinja South Constituency. |
Lilongwe |
Site good hydrogeologically |
During the month under review, the department conducted Geophysical surveys and Hydrogeological assessments for 15 out of 16 Sites in 11 districts (Kasungu, Mzimba, Nkhatabay, Nkhotakota, Salima, Dowa, Lilongwe, Dedza, Mangochi, Chikwawa, and Nsanje). Table 1 summarizes the finding from the Hydrological assessments for the 15 sites.